GoLi Baje (Mangalore Bajji)

See these yummy looking fritters ? Ever had these ? These are called GoLi Baje. GoLi means round like a marble and Baje means fritters. These fritters are a speciality of Mangalore. Hence they are also called Mangalore Bajji.

My mom makes a very good version of these. Although I like my version better. I add a little more refined wheat flour than her and this makes them softer and fluffier. Lets move on to the recipe now.


Refined Wheat Flour (Maida) - 2 tbsp
Gram Flour (Chickpea flour / Besan) - 1/2 tbsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Curd - to mix
Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
Ginger (grated / paste) - 1 tsp

Green chillies (finely chopped) - 2 to 3
Salt to taste
Little water to mix

Oil to cook


Mix sugar and curd and keep aside. Let the sugar melt and mix well. Mix the other dry ingredients together along with ginger and green chillies. Add the curd and sugar mixture and mix well with a whisk / fork. I prefer to mix with a fork as it breaks any lumps that get formed. Add some water if needed. The dough should reach the consistency of milk cream.


Heat oil in a deep fryer pan. To test the heat in the oil, add a drop of the batter to it. If the batter rises immediately, then the oil is just right. Drop a spoonful of batter into the oil. It should fluff into a ball shaped fritter. Add several spoonfuls at various places in the oil. They will all fluff a bit. So keep enough distance between them. When they are golden brown all over, remove them from the oil and keep them in a slotted vessel to drain out excess oil.


Enjoy with a cup of hot hot tea on a rainy rainy day !! YUM !!!


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