Peanut Garlic Chutney

This was my most favorite chutney (after coriander chutney that is) when I was a kid. My mom used to make it for us all the time. Peanuts and Garlic both tend to have overwhelming flavors, but when they come together in this awesome chutney, they tend to form a mouth-watering dish / dip. Here's the recipe.

As per a request from my friend, here is the recipe for peanut, garlic chutney. I made it a few days back and since she had asked for instructions. I took some photos too.

I regret to say that I don't use accurate measurements in my recipes, because for me its a matter of taste and preferences. So all the measurements are just approximate.


Serves 5
Preparation Time - 15 mins

Peanuts - 2 cups
Garlic - 1 whole garlic pod medium sized(8-10 cloves)
Red Chillies - 10 (more if you want it spicy -- remember, spiciness varies with different kinds of chillies)
Shredded Coconut - 2 tbsps
Oil to roast ingredients
Salt to taste
Water to grind


1. Cut the garlic into small pieces or crush them with a back of a ladle, knife or spoon. This is optional, because it is just to facilitate nice roasting of the garlic and to give out the flavor without giving out a raw taste. Keep aside.

2. Heat some oil in a pan, about 3 tsps. Add peanuts and roast them for 3-4 mins on medium flame until they are golden roasted, as in picture. Keep stirring often to avoid over-roasting on one side only. After the peanuts are roasted, keep them aside.

3. If there is no oil left in the pan, add about one more tsp of oil and add the garlic pieces. Stir and roast until golden roasted. They should look crisped and brown. Keep aside.

4. Add red chillies to the same pan (not much oil is required for this stage -- no oil will also work -- red chillies will roast even with little heat). Roast the red chillies until they turn a darker red. Keep aside. The picture doesn't do justice to the chillies :P

5. Add all the roasted ingredients along with the coconut into a blender or a mixer along with around a cup of water and grind to a "not so smooth", "not so coarse" paste, with the consistency of a dip / chutney. It should neither be too thick or too thin.

6. Pour the paste into a serving bowl, and add the required amount of salt as per your taste. Mix well.

Peanut Garlic Chutney is ready to be served.

The dosa in the picture is panpolo (neer dosa) -- recipe will be put up soon.


  1. looks yummy....I will try this soon. Do you know any variation of this without having to add garlic ? Naveen doesn't eat anything I make with garlic/onion in it :(

  2. If you don't wanna add garlic, reduce the amount of peanuts and increase the coconut a little bit.

    Another variation is you can also replace red chillies with green chillies, but it would give a whole different taste to this.

    I will put up the chana usal (w/o onions version) tomorrow, just for you :)


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