Homemade Garlic Butter

Has there ever been a person who hates garlic bread ? I cant think of anyone such.

Garlic Bread is my heavenly comfort food, next to .... nothing I guess ! I think you buy me a few slice of garlic bread and I would forgive your gravest mistake !! Aaah, now the secret is out :)

So since I really really love garlic bread, I wanted to try making it at home. Since store bought butter is highly processed and then if you have garlic butter, you can use it with anything else too. So I set about finding out how to make garlic butter. Turns out it is the simplest thing to make - EVER !!! 

You need just butter, garlic and salt !! Wow that's it ? Lets go learn how.


(Makes 1 cup of garlic butter)

Homemade Butter - 1 cup (unsalted) OR Store-bought butter (salted or unsalted)

            P.S - Will soon put up a recipe on how to make butter at home.

Herbs (optional) - 2 tsps - you can add any herbs for the flavor that you like.

            (Mint, Oregano, Coriander, Thyme, Rosemary etc., etc.,)

Garlic - 10 pods / cloves (If you love the taste of garlic, then add more)

            P.S: Raw Garlic gives out a pungent flavor - so dont add too much.

Salt as per taste (dont add if you are using store bought salted butter)


  1. Add the garlic pods into a mixer jar and crush them coarsely.
  2. If you are using fresh herbs, add along with the garlic and crush them along. If you are using dried powdered herbs, then skip this step.
  3. Melt the butter slightly. Just make it soft and add it to the ground garlic paste. Grind it a bit more.
  4. Remove into a bowl. Your garlic butter is now ready to use.
  5. Spread on bread and toast it for wonderful tasting garlic bread.
  6. Slightly soften it and use it as a dip for your veggie sticks or anything else that you want to dip in it.
  7. Use it on your naans or even on your chapathis. It goes with anything and everything.


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